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Friday, May 7, 2010

Taking the good with the bad

I've just finished my first weeks back on the meds, and I swear they worked faster last time. I've been in a good mood for several hours, and here I go again. Normally, I like my alone time. I'll usually read or catch up on shows, but right now, my attention span is that of a gnat.

What was I saying? Oh yeah, anyway, I'm on the downside of this wonderful condition right now. Typically, I'd be jumping for joy having the house to myself and the kids all playing over at friends' places. It usually gives me an excuse to run around naked cleaning toilets, wait, scratch that, I avoid cleaning toilets no matter my mood. But, you get the gist of it anyway.

I refuse to use this as a forum to complain about what I'm experiencing, so I won't go any further. Just goes to show how quickly things can go up and down.

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