Well, what can I say??? I'm still sore beyond belief from my encounter with the pseudo drill sergeant personal training session I had two days ago. But, that is not the worst of what I've had to face today. Mom and Dad were coming for their first "official" visit to the new house. Can you say ANXIETY? Well, anxiety be damned, I made it through, and Mom even asked why I was so worried... Had she shown up at my house first thing this morning, she might have had another statement... But, we managed to get everything in working order and straightened up before they arrived this late afternoon. Busy day I must say, and with sore and aching muscles to boot!
Yes, I am still whining about muscle soreness. I wouldn't have thought that "core training" would take so much out of me, but alas, I was again proven wrong in my preconceptions. WAY wrong. I have a feeling I'll still be sore even tomorrow. All I can say is, "Damn you Don, Damn you!"
Don, if you haven't read my previous posts, is my super nice personal trainer. God love him; because I hate him right now. He made me work muscles that I haven't used in ten plus years, and even more that I never knew existed. WTF?!?!? All I have to say about that is I better get some good gosh darn results from the torture he is planning on putting me through in the next few weeks. God knows what I am paying for the time I spend with him. It only proves how out of shape I really am... I never knew. It's not like I'm some big ole fatty. I still register within the norms for my height and age, but apparently, I am nothing but a big pile of goo that he intends to mold into something I have never been in my entire life.
Anyway, since the folks showed up today, we really got A LOT accomplished in a very short time. It's amazing what a little motivation can do. Maybe I need them to visit more often. My house is almost ready to have my "house-warming" party. I just need some furniture for people to sit on!
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