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Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Bring the pain.

Well, it's that season again... That one where I rue ever leaving my house, or having children IN my house...

That first little tickle in the throat... usually overlooked the rest of the year, is now cause for anxiety in my household. The little boogers brought home some germs.  I am not, I repeat, NOT a germaphobe.  But I swear that the next person to sniffle in my general direction is going to get Lysol sprayed in their face. I downright refuse to get the winter cold this year. I don't have any apprehension about wrapping myself in cellophane and wearing a gas mask the whole season. I will NOT get sick. I will have my husband home, and my family in full array for Christmas for the first time in years, and if hyperbaric chambers or oxygen bubbles are required, we will get through it!

Having three children and a husband who has been through the ringer and back, I am fully prepared for winter ills, but NOT for Christmas. The day after, they can be sick to their hearts content, but NOBODY is gonna mess this up for me. It's been too long since we had a proper family Christmas.  I am prepared to maim or kill the next germ-infested body that comes within 50 feet of anyone in my family. So, if you have the sniffles, or even worse, a cold, I would suggest you don't drop by or even call me; for fear you may send your germs through the phone lines. I am on full RED ALERT. DEFCON 1 here people.

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