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Sunday, October 31, 2010

Trick or Treat, Smell my feet, wait, that might not be wise...

Ah, to be ten years old again...  If only I had the stamina my once ten year old body contained, for just one night.  It's obviously a bad sign when you run out of energy before your five year old does, right? Of course, some of my drain could have been the hour and a half it took to coax her into wearing her WHOLE costume and not just the cool headgear.  Or, maybe it was the fact that after her bag was half full, I was on duty to hold it for her between houses.  I was on my last legs before we even ended the second street, and I knew I was in for it when I turned the corner onto the third street.  These folks went ALL out, every window had some Halloween ghoul in it and the yards were a bounty of spiderwebs and multitudes of creepy crawlies.  We didn't get to pass one single house by.  It was a feast for the eyes. Every creature and goblin was done so well, we had a difficult time picking out which ones were actual people waiting to jump out at us.  Needless to say, I was thankful for really good heart medication at a few of the houses.

When we had hit the last house, the five year old finally decided her feet were too tired for more.  I was thankful for a bout a nanosecond before I realized I was going to have to carry both her and her overstuffed bag of goodies.  Ouch.  Time to put my feet up and make one of the big kids answer the door for the rest of the trick-or-treaters! Happy Halloween!

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